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This article lists problems or things to remember when developing with ODBC for Naiade.

MySQL ODBC driver

As of February 22, 2007, there is no stable version of an 64-bit ODBC driver for MySQL. The 3.51.12 MyODBC driver is completely unusable under Linux 64. As a result, since my primary development environment is now on Linux 64, I have to wait until a stable version of this driver is released, probably in a few monthes.


  • Apparently, SQLBindCol does NOT accept a NULL pointer argument as its last argument (SQLLEN * StrLen_or_Ind). This leads to a segmentation fault and a crash when calling SQLFetch later. This does not seem conform to Microsoft specifications, since providing a NULL pointer is legal. Under Windows, this behavior does not happen. Update: this is false, unixODBC is not the culprit, in fact it is due to the MySQL driver, absolutely unstable currently.


  • If installed using Portage, the configuration file is at /etc/iodbc/odbc.ini, NOT /etc/odbc.ini as said in the official documentation!
  • iODBC documentation is simply non-existant. So I don't plan to support iODBC for Naiade right now; the goal is to get it working with unixODBC first.