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This is a short tutorial to use Docker.

Basic commands

  • List of all containers: docker ps -a
  • Remove a container: docker rm <container-id>
  • Remove all stopped containers: docker container prune
  • List of all images: docker image ls
  • Remove an image: docker rmi <image-id>
  • Remove all dangling images: docker image prune
  • Create a new container (from an image): docker create jatzoo/jrivermc24
  • Create and run a new container (from an image): docker run -d --name=jrivermc24--stable --net=host -e VNCPASS=foobar -v /volume1/Public/music:/mnt/media jatzoo/jrivermc24:latest
  • Execute a command in a running container: docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash
  • Obtaining information about CPU and RAM usage: docker stats

Detaching and attaching

  • Control-P + Control-Q can be used to detach from a running container.
  • docker attach command can be used to attach / reattach.

Building an image

  • docker build -t app-name .


  • This can be used to setup the timezone:
ENV TZ=Europe/Moscow


  • A started container is always associated with a command (either one present on the Docker image by default, or another one given on the command-line with docker run). This is the command that will be restarted with docker restart, or ran again after a docker stop / docker start.


  • Volumes with the default local driver can be accessed from the host.
  • A volume can be associated only when the container is created, not with a running container.