Regular Expressions
This article is an introduction to an extremely powerful tool available to any programmer, Regular Expressions.
- *? is the non-greedy operator, it will match as little text as possible. +?, ??, or {m,n}? are also available.
- ? allows to match optionally only one expression. It should be put after the expression, eg ab? will match either a or ab.
Regular expressions in Python
Official documentation available here.
Basic Operations
You can perform two basic operations: search and match. In Perl, search is always used.
- match(): Determine if the RE matches at the beginning of the string.
- search(): Scan through a string, looking for any location where this RE matches.
In a regular expression, we often want to extract a particular piece of information from a string. We need to enclose the relevant "sub expression" in parenthesis. In Python, we can then refer to this group by its number, or, if we add ?P<name> to the group, by its name. To create a group which will not be available later for retrieval, write (?:expression).
- Example:
- regular_expression = re.compile(r"&price=(?P<Price>.*)&quantity=(?P<Quantity>.*)")
- math_object =
- We could access the price value by or'Price'). For the quantity, it would be group(2) or group('Quantity').