List of Eclipse custom keys
Custom keys I use in Eclipse:
- F3: Incremental Find Next
- F4: Navigation->Next Editor (displays a list of opened files)
- F6: Maximize / Restore
- F7: Format / Format Document (adding correct tabs, etc).
- Control + NumKey 4: Shift Left
- Control + NumKey 6: Shift Right
- Control + NumKey 8: Toggle Comment
- Control + NumKey Enter: Next (jump to next annotation)
- Control + D: Search->Text->Project (find occurences of selected text)
- Control + G: Search->Text->File (named "Find Text In File" in preferences dialog, find occurences of selected text)
- Control + F: Open Search Dialog
- Shift + Control + F: Find/Replace dialog
- Control + K: SVN Commit
- Control + U: SVN Update
- Control + Enter: Word Completion
- Control + AntiSlash (\): Content Assist