Building Naiade under (Gentoo) Linux

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  • gcc 3.4 or later (gcc 4.1 or later strongly recommended)
  • qt 4.1 or later, built with debugging enabled (under Gentoo you can do that by adding the debug USE flag to the qt ebuild)
  • unixODBC (under Gentoo, emerge unixODBC or simply add the global odbc USE flag)
  • MySQL 5 and the ODBC driver for MySQL (emerge mysql myodbc)
  • Boost 1.33.1 or later (emerge boost)

Building the GOLD parsing engine

  • Download the library from Sourceforge.
  • Compile it (just type make in the top directory), and move the resulting library to the lib/ directory of the Naiade package. Rename the library, adding the lib prefix to it (else the linker won't find it).

Building Naiade

  • Go to the top directory of the Naiade package; run qmake
  • Run make. Ignore any warnings, they should go away eventually in future releases of Boost/Qt/Naiade.

Configuring ODBC

  • In your database, create the Naiade database manually using MySQL client, phpMyAdmin or such.
  • Configure ODBC and add a data source named "naiade". Adding this source depends on your ODBC library; on unixODBC, you have to modify the file /etc/unixODBC/odbc.ini. My file is included below for reference:
[ODBC Data Sources]

naiade       = MyODBC 3.51 Driver DSN

Driver       = /usr/lib/
Description  = Connector/ODBC 3.51 Driver DSN
SERVER       = localhost
PORT         =
USER         = root
Password     = your_root_password
Database     = Naiade
OPTION       = 3
SOCKET       =

Of course, you may have to adapt this file to your environment. If you run into troubles, look at the MySQL ODBC Connector documentation page. You may also want to look at the documentation for unixODBC, etc.